Bjørn Petersen

Bjørn er uddannet miljøtekniker og er grundlægger og ejer af BP Støjmåling. Han har mere end 25 års erfaring indenfor støj og bygningsakustik, som han har opnået gennem ansættelser i bedriftssundhedstjenester, et rådgivende ingeniørfirma og som selvstændig i BP Støjmåling siden 2008. Bjørn er certificeret til at udføre miljømålinger, der danner grundlag for myndighedernes afgørelser. Derudover udfører han også arbejdshygiejniske målinger af støv og gasser, udført som enten personbårne eller stationære målinger.

OHS course

Our OHS course is located in Copenhagen.

The OHS course will give the participant tools for managing and improving the working environment. Participant will be able to perform their functions in the working environment organization, just as they obtain knowledge of safe legislation.

The OHS course is approved by OHS Authorities and meets the requirements for the mandatory training for members of the OHS – participant is therefore mandatory for the training.

This is covered by the course:

  • What is occupational health and safety?
  • Rights, duties, and responsibilities within the occupational health and safety organization
  • Influences on the occupational health and safety environment
  • Systematic occupational health and safety work
  • Methods in occupational health and safety work

The OHS course directs at:

  • Newly elected members of the working environment organization
  • Members of the working environment organization who need renewal of the OHS education program
  • Employees and managers who want a thorough introduction of compulsory work environmental conditions

Practical information

The price of the occupational health and safety course is DKK 5.925, - per participant. (ex. VAT)

The price includes tuition, meals during the course and tuition materials.

Meeting times:

Day 1 – 9:00 AM to 4:10 PM

Day 2 and day 3 – 8:00 AM to 4:10 PM

Terms and conditions