Lyngbro 7   •   7900 Nykøbing   •   Tlf. 97710600

Arbejdsmiljøcenter Midt-Vest

Arbejdsmiljøcenter Midt-Vest hjælper virksomheder med at gøre arbejdsmiljø til en fornuftig forretning.

Med mere end 40 års erfaring hjælper Arbejdsmiljøcenter Midt-Vest lokale og landsdækkende virksomheder med at optimere deres arbejdsmiljø og skabe sundere og mere effektive arbejdspladser.

Vi er en løsningsorienteret konsulentvirksomhed, der omsætter arbejdsmiljøudfordringer til konkrete, værdiskabende løsninger.

Vores ekspertise dækker et bredt spektrum af ydelser, skræddersyet til at styrke jeres virksomhed – uanset branche eller størrelse.

APVErgonomisk indretning af arbejdspladsenHøreundersøgelseTrykluftTrivselsmålingerHelbredskontrol til medarbejdere med natarbejde Kortlægning af arbejdsteknik og vurdering af arbejdsprocesserSundhedsprofilerArbejdshygiejniske målingerKortlægning af træk, skub og løftValg af og instruktion i anvendelse af hjælpemidlerStøjmåling og støjkortlægningIndustriventilationMaskinsikkerhedATEXLovpligtige eftersynBygningsakustikObservationer og nærved-ulykkerSubstitution af kemiske produkterIndeklimaStyren InstruktionBlacklisterGraviditets rådgivningCMR-vurderingSikkerhedsdatabladeVurdering af værnemidlerEliminering af kemiske produkterArbejdsmiljøorganisationenÅrlig arbejdsmiljødrøftelseSikkerhedsrunderingerRådgivning i forbindelse med transport af farligt gods

OHS course

Our OHS course is located in Copenhagen.

The OHS course will give the participant tools for managing and improving the working environment. Participant will be able to perform their functions in the working environment organization, just as they obtain knowledge of safe legislation.

The OHS course is approved by OHS Authorities and meets the requirements for the mandatory training for members of the OHS – participant is therefore mandatory for the training.

This is covered by the course:

  • What is occupational health and safety?
  • Rights, duties, and responsibilities within the occupational health and safety organization
  • Influences on the occupational health and safety environment
  • Systematic occupational health and safety work
  • Methods in occupational health and safety work

The OHS course directs at:

  • Newly elected members of the working environment organization
  • Members of the working environment organization who need renewal of the OHS education program
  • Employees and managers who want a thorough introduction of compulsory work environmental conditions

Practical information

The price of the occupational health and safety course is DKK 5.825, - per participant. (ex. VAT)

The price includes tuition, meals during the course and tuition materials.

Meeting times:

Day 1 – 9:00 AM to 4:10 PM

Day 2 and day 3 – 8:00 AM to 4:10 PM

General conditions of cancellation

In case of cancellation or transfer to another course:

  • Cancellation/transfer to another course must be done in writing to
  • For cancellations up to 2 weeks before the course start, the full participant fee will be refunded.
  • For cancellations later than 2 weeks before the course starts or in case of non-attendance, the full participant fee will be charged. If you wish to be enrolled in another course, 50% of the participant fee will be deducted, and an administrative fee of DKK 250 will be charged.

After signing up for a course, you will receive a confirmation with further details regarding the course.

In case of too few registrations for the course, the course can be canceled. In that case, you will be notified no later than 14 days before the event and be offered another course. If this is not desired, you will get fully refunded.